Tag Archives: grilled cheese

Heart-Shaped Grilled Sandwiches

15 Mar

Everyone should go into the weekend then with a few party food tips
under their belt. Here’s a look inside the grilled goodness of the heart-shaped sandwiches I made for The Bachelor Finale this past Monday. 
IMG_4179I don’t own a heart-shaped cookie cutter and all my local stores were out due to last month’s Valentine’s Day rush. After calling 5 stores (including Williams-Sonoma) I decided to take matters into my own hands and create my own cookie cutter using instructions from  MyPaperCrane.com
IMG_4190IMG_41981. Strawberry & Goat cheese. I added some greens, walnuts and drizzled a little honey on top for added sweetness.  IMG_42052. Caprese: Mozzarella, tomatoes, red roasted peppers and basil. IMG_42123. Peanut butter, banana and chocolate. I used my chocolate peanut butter sauce from Stonewall Kitchen and added some chocolate chips. You can never have enough chocolate. 
IMG_4217Cook on the stove top like you would any grilled cheese and pop in the oven covered with foil to keep warm until your guests arrive. Whether your friends drop by for some pre-party cocktails or you’re just snuggling on the couch with your boyfriend these grilled sandwiches are easy, affordable and always a crowd pleaser. 

Heartbreak and Grilled Cheese

12 Mar

Last night was the finale of one of my favorite reality TV guilty pleasures. The 17th season of The Bachelor wrapped up last night when the beefy Sean choose the vivacious Catherine. Naturally I threw a small soiree in honor of their “engagement”. Heart shaped grilled sandwiches seemed fitting for this Winter finale.
IMG_4182IMG_4223The 3 options included a peanut butter, banana & chocolate combo for something sweet, a classic Caprese sammy for something salty and finally, a strawberry & goat cheese combo. 
IMG_4227Red roses in redneck mason jar glasses wrapped with polka dot ribbon seemed fitting for the bachelor’s Texas background. 
IMG_4217IMG_4221Using the paint samples left over from my Valentines I quickly created some sandwich labels. IMG_4224A delicious feast for some delicious drama.