Tag Archives: Fast Food


13 Aug

This past month has been a whirlwind of puppy training, work caos, sleep deprivation and travel. In an effort to catch all of you up, here are some snapshots of my hectic life.Work has been so hectic, that we’ve called in a new assistant to help file.Only one weekend spent outdoors this past month. Here, my friends and I enjoyed The Public’s Into The Woods nestled in the beautiful theatre in rainy Central Park.Most weekends have been spent indoors due to the rainy weather, but I can’t complain when I have Chip by my side.Although I didn’t want to leave my little man, work was calling and it was time to travel South to Dallas, TX.Exhausting days of interviewing and driving around Dallas meant indulging in a little treat. What’s the point of working hard if you can’t reward yourself every once in a while? (Note: half of the above beverages are for my coworker. I haven’t hit rock bottom yet)From Dallas we flew to Chicago where my coworker and I spotted this man driving his “car” in a Chicago suburb. If you can’t see, the man behind the wheel has a long white beard and red cap. Yes, we spotted Santa in Chicago- guess he’s relaxing in the Midwest during his off-season?A well deserved dinner at Q in Chicago complete with the Tennessee Sunrise cocktail, homemade potato chips and dill pickles. To follow, we enjoyed a pulled pork sammy, fried green tomato and some creamy mac n’ cheese.Work trips are tough when you have a little pup at home, but returning home after a week gone to this face is the best feeling in the world.

Fat Friday

23 Mar

This delicious looking feast could only come from one place and one place only-

In-N-Out Burger.

After two years of being red meat free (a silly college decision I cannot begin to fathom now) I ditched my vegetarian ways for this burger palace. A hectic work trip to Los Angeles brought me to In-N-Out Burger. I had heard the stories, but had my doubts. Was it worth ending my two year veggie streak? The minute I bit into my cheeseburger I never looked back.

The reviews were true. In-N-Out made me completely rethink my notion of Fast Food. It was unbelievably fresh, cooked ready to order. I, of course, took note of the packaging. Each burger is wrapped up tightly, like a little present. I’m a sucker for the 1950’s drive-thru flair. The simple menu, the little red tray, and adorably packaged burger had me ready to pack my bags and move to LA permanently.

If I took the redeye to LA tonight, I could be there by the time they open their doors tomorrow…..